Tag Archives: Data Security
Safeguarding Data and Systems From Cyberattacks
In today’s digital age, where information is a valuable currency, safeguarding your data and systems from cyberattacks is paramount. The evolving landscape of cyber threats necessitates a proactive and robust approach to ensure the resilience of your digital fortress. As a provider of IT solutions in Moreno Valley, California, Advise IT Solutions delves into the … Continue reading
How Data Breaches Can Unintentionally Happen
The popular thinking is that a data breach is caused by malicious hackers, but that’s not always true. Breaches may occur intentionally or unintentionally. Unintentional data breaches occur when people accidentally leak sensitive information to the outside world. Data leaks can just as easily result from a simple oversight by individuals or flaws in a … Continue reading
Secure Your Backup Safety from Cybercriminals
Are your backups safe from cybercriminals? Backups are crucial for protecting your data against ransomware and other threats. However, attackers are becoming increasingly savvy and will exploit any gaps in your backup strategy. Attackers can exploit network access to encrypt, turn off, or delete network-connected backups. Remote access is also risky due to stolen credentials … Continue reading
Your Valuable Data: Protect It at All Costs!
Technology progressed to the extent that it has become essential. With its convenience and ease of use, it has even made operations and running a business easier than ever. However, considering the number of cyber threats and the prevalence of viruses all over network services, taking a dip in technology may be a threat to the … Continue reading
Protecting Your Company’s Data
When you run a business in any type of industry, having competitors vying for the patronage of clients will be inevitable. Having a competitive edge keeps you ahead of your competitors. As we provide IT solutions in Moreno Valley, California, we understand that losing this edge can be dangerous for businesses. To stay one step ahead … Continue reading
What is Personal Identifiable Information?
Personal identifiable information, or PII is a term that is frequently mentioned these days concerning data breaches. It means any information that can find the person to whom the information is connected. With that being said, PII is considered to be confidential and must be treated as such. This information is why companies invest in … Continue reading