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Discover the Telltale Signs of a Phishing Email

Phishing emails are a popular fraud method where criminals impersonate legitimate organizations. In most cases, they will include a link in the email where you need to fill in your information. This allows them to steal sensitive information, such as passwords, account numbers, and more. Even with cybersecurity services, employees need to be aware of … Continue reading

Why Your Business Should Adopt Cloud-Based IT Services

Today, more businesses are using cloud services due to the many benefits they provide. Many of the advantages provided by cloud-based services are due to their flexibility and accessibility. Likewise, here are the reasons why you should consider adopting cloud-based IT services for your business: Lower Costs With cloud-based services, you can lower the cost for your … Continue reading

Impact of Technology on Foster Family Agency – 6 Areas

It is tough to run Foster Family Agency with ever increasing number of foster children cases and support that they have to provide 24×7. Data Management can make or break an agency. This article addresses areas where data is vulnerable and provides how Technology can help a Foster Family Agency manage and protect their data … Continue reading

7 Things Lawyers Gain from Workflow Automation

In legal providers like law firms, there are always information, files, and documentation being collected, shared, and passed around. Not only between employees but among clients as well. However, files in such a nature of work contain critical data. Even one misstep could cost the firm money and reputation. This is where workflow automation technology … Continue reading

Why Law Firms Need Managed Services

Change is not so well-received in the law industry. The field is known for sticking to traditions, which trumps one’s willingness to embrace change and new technologies. But despite this, lawyers are increasing relying on digital technology for work purposes. Their job’s nature requires support and enhanced cybersecurity services and partnering with a managed service provider … Continue reading

Top Social Engineering Trends in 2020

What is social engineering? Social engineering is essentially a scamming technique used by hackers to gain access to people’s private information or other valuables. These scams typically lure unsuspecting victims into exposing data, giving access to restricted files, and eventually spreading malware infections into their systems. Today, Advise IT Solutions is here to talk about … Continue reading